containing the page format you have chosen, the master pages (together with any frames, text, headers and footers, or graphics on them) and the paragraph styles you have designed. By preparing templates for each type of document you produce, you'll be able to give all your documents a consistent look.
To use your template in a different document, you must save it separately. Refer to the section
Saving the template
later in this chapter for full details.
Setting up your page format
The first stage in creating a new document is to set up its page format. You must do this before you do any other work on your document because you will not be able to change it later on.
To set up the page format for a new document:
1. Click on
in the
menu. A dialog is displayed allowing you to choose a template.
If you do not want to use an existing template, click on the Blank Page button
to display the
dialog where you can select the page format for the new document.
2. Select the paper size you want to use.
3. From the Master Pages group box, choose whether you want the document to have All Pages Alike with the same layout on every page or Left & Right with different page layouts for left and right pages.
4. From the Orientation group box, choose whether you want the document to be Landscape (wide) or Portrait (tall). When you click on either of these options, the page icon next to the buttons changes to illustrate the orientation you have selected.
5. Click on
to confirm your choices and display a blank page conforming to them.
The options on the Page Format dialog are discussed in more detail below.
You cannot change the page size of a document after you have set it up. Make sure you choose the right page size before beginning to work on the document.